Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tanning Beds Reducing Fibromyalgia Pain

So in listening to the comments that Negeen and Dr. Cohen made last Monday about people going in to use the tanning beds as a relief for their arthritis pain, I decided to look up on some more info on it. The article targeted one certain type of arthritis, Fibromyalgia syndrome, being the one that they did the study on. They chose Fibromyalgia because it is the one they thought needs much a treatment.  

So what is Fibromyalgia? It’s a chronic disorder known to have widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness in certain areas in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, and legs. Also patients experience stiffness, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and other symptoms like psychological distress. Fibromyalgia is one of the top five most common forms of arthritis out of the many hundreds that there are and it is most common in women (female: male ratio 7:1). 

The study specifically focused on the use of UV light on the patients. Which, results showed that there was mayor relief in the patients that had UV light rays used on them then the ones without UV-rays in their tanning beds.

My suggestion out of this would be for the people suffering from this form of arthritis or any form, is to instead of encapsulating yourself in a bed with UV rays, why not go out on a sunny day for 15 minutes (time recommended for exposure to the sun without sunscreen, which it is yet to be confirmed) with no sunblock and do some aerobic exercises (a treatment said to reduce tender points counts in fibromyalgia). The outdoors is providing the UV rays, and the physical activity has been proven to release feel good hormones and keep the body healthy. What do you guys think? Any other suggestions?


  1. Well as I have mentioned in class, I think it is ridiculous some people would rather tan instead of go outside and get some sun. Using tanning beds to relieve pain in you neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms and legs is not worth the future consequences. Yes, it is an easy, quick and inexpensive way of reducing stress, but the future complications are way worse and can be life threatening. People who experience fibromyalgia should just take warm baths or get into a Jacuzzi, rather than potentially causing skin cancer.

    1. I also think it is crazy that people use tanning beds knowing the consequences. Especially in Arizona where there are free UV rays in our back yards! There are definitely better ways to get pain relief like the ones you mentioned such as taking warm baths or being in the natural sun for shorter amounts of time.

  2. I was talking to my pharmacist last month or so about fibromyalgia. He was saying how he thinks that fibromyalgia is more of a made up disease when doctors don't know what it is. He told me the symptoms, more women get it, depression, anxiety and headaches. All the symptoms cover such a broad area and it would be easy to diagnose to the crazy women who demand that something is wrong with them. So of course, fibromyalgia patients get relief from tanning beds!

    1. I had to chuckle a little bit at this comment, Supranee! My mom is a nurse and thinks the same thing! Fibromyalgia is more psychological than anything else, or something doctors use as a diagnosis to give their patients something versus nothing. But it's silly because there are no specifics about treatment or even physiological symptoms that can be targeted to treat. There is just pain all over, which is super uncomfortable I imagine.

  3. I think that natural UV rays are definitely the way to go for treatment. Tanning beds have some scary effects:
    -People who tan before 35 for the first time increase their risk for melanoma by 75%
    -Those who use tanning beds are 2.5 times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma (1).
    Also, while tanning beds might be inexpensive, UV light from the sun is free!
    From an evolutionary perspective, I think it is amazing that UV light alone can significantly reduce pain from Fibromyalgia. I think this exemplifies the relationship of our environment and health, even with our technological advancements.
    1. The Skin Cancer Foundation. (9, October 2013). Skin cancer facts. Retrieved from

  4. I would also say that the normal daily usage of our sun for UV rays would be the best choice since we are exposed to it daily especially if you in Arizona. Even though our location is one of the best place to get a tan, people still want to get to tanning salons. So I assume people are more towards getting immediate relief from pain than looking at any long term affects.

  5. Not only does the sun provide us with UV rays to get tan, there is vitamin D!!!!! It's an essential nutrient for us as humans and probably helps more than a tanning bed's UV rays alone.

    1. You must live where it's warm all year. And you must not have fibromyalgia. If you did you would realize the desperate measures you will go to for relief!!! We just need a break from the pain and stiffness. Taking pain pills and vitamin D does not always bring relief.

  6. I agree with what Dr. Cohen suggested in class about how tanning beds provide relief to arthritis through the heat that is given off in the tanning beds. However, this relief could also be psychological. After people use tanning beds, they usually feel better about their appearance, which could also cause them to just feel better overall and temporarily "forget" about the pain from arthritis or fibromyalgia. I'm not sure if this is actually true, but just what I thought could be the possible cause for pain relief!

  7. Do y'all hear yourselves? A made up disease? Silly because there is no diagnostic test? What a bunch of bullies. I hope and pray that you or a loved one doesn't get hit by this fictional disease that has taken away my life slowly, drop by drop, like the torture machine in The Princess Bride. I need up on this page while researching tanning beds as a treatment. I noticed that after starting to use a tanning bed recently I had a noticeable reduction in pain. I am healthier and more functional than I have been in at least a decade.

    1. Thank you for your comment! You do know those people do not have fibromyalgia. Because you can look good but suffer awfully , people don't get it. Sometimes I can run in the grocery store and grab a few things and other days I can't walk unassisted, I need to lean on the cart to get through the store! Weird but that's how it is. Anyway, I still try to accomplish things each day and work part time. But sometimes you just need relief, thus you will try a tanning bed..... Wishing you many pain free days.

  8. And for the record, yes, I recognize the dangers of a tanning bed. I also recognize the dangers of medications and worse yet, the dangers of not getting help while my life deteriorates and I feel desperate and horrified by the idea of living another 40 years or more. Getting out in the sun for 15 minutes doesn't do it, either, any more than just taking ibuprofen did. Please don't judge what you don't understand.

  9. I agree Pinky! I am a sufferer of Fibro. I have told people who think it is a made up disease that I actually hope they get it for a week and only a week just so they can see what people like me live with every single day of my life. I am only 41 and some days I cant even walk without assistance. I laid in a tanning bed for the first time today. I felt a small amount of relief. With the meds, the risk are just as great, if not greater. Cancer, liver failure, kidney failure..the list goes on and on.

    1. Hi, hope you are feeling better. I'm just reading your post now.... it's been a rough winter and I'm so tired of this pain I tried a tanning bed the other day, it was wonderful! I wish there was a bed to lie in that would bring relief without damaging the skin. Have you tried a sauna room? I might join a gym just for the sauna, !

  10. I am a rn retired 6 months, just couldn't keep going [66yr]. Always scoffed are pt who said they had fibro. Forgive me God
    Ive had fibro for at least 6 months. If a tanning bed helps and maybe I can get some of my normal life back I will try it . I am fair nevery really liked sitting in the sun for 2 hrs but 2 minutes in a tanning bed maybe my answer.

    1. Hi, I'm with you! After a rough fall and winter sometimes you just want relief from feeling so poorly. You can't make plans because you can't walk that day, or you can't get out of bed and sleep all day! Anyway I'm trying the tanning bed, just for 6 weeks till summer is here. But was wondering if it helped you? I hope so.
