Friday, November 22, 2013

HSV-1 and -2, the culprit behind ß-Amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's Disease?!

Researchers at the University of Manchester's Faculty of Life Sciences have investigated the effect that the common Herpes Simplex Virus has on the brain. Their research has found that over 90% of the viral DNA manifests within ß-amyloid proteins and instigates the growth of the ß-amyloid sheaths in the brain's of patients with Alzeheimer's Disease. HSV-1 and -2 are neurotropic and neuroinvasive viruses, meaning that they are able to remain in the body by becoming dormant in the cell bodies of neurons, hiding from the immune system. According to the researchers, during the dormant stage of the HSV infection, the viruses cause enough damage to disintegrate the neuronal cells. Upon disintegration, they release amyloid, which further develop into sheaths when even more neuronal cells are destroyed. The team hypothesizes that antiviral drugs aimed to inhibit the effects of the virus could also inhibit the plaque formations caused by this virus.

Here is the link to the article:

1.) University of Manchester. "Cold Sore Virus Linked To Alzheimer's Disease: New Treatment, Or Even Vaccine Possible." ScienceDaily, 7 Dec. 2008. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.


  1. This is an interesting link between Alzheimer's and HSV. It would be a good study to see how HSV affects human diseases such as Alzheimer's since the majority of the American population is infected with HSV 1.

    1. Thanks to DR.ABEGBE the great man that save my life,some months again I was very sick and feel pain every-time, it was him that bring me out, am taylor lillian or email me for information am from USA I was once a herpes patient it was him that cured me, I want to say big thanks to him because he did very great in my life, before this man start with my cured he ask me to promise him one thing, that once am cured I should share his news to the world about how his going to help me and I was even happy that I found help I promise him that I will do that immediately the man told me that will should start with the cure and I inform him that he should go ahead because I want to see my self cure from that sickness this man ask me to give him time to work on my cure he email back and ask me to provide the curing things which I did the next-day of it he called that he have getting the things and his about working on the cure in less 1hours he called me that he is done that I should go for test, in my body everything heal automatically when I go for test I was negative a great thanks to he you can contact him now email:DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM OR DR.ABEGBESPELLHOME@HOTMAIL.COM

    2. Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from HSV 1&2 for the past 3 years now; I have spent a lot of money going from one places to another, , hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr sigolo helped someone to cure HSV 2, quickly I copied his email which is DR.SIGOLOHEALERTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then after using the herbal medication for 2 weeks, he asked me to go for medical check up which i did and I was free from the HSV1&2, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on DR.SIGOLOHEALERTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM You are the next person to get cured.
      My name is atticus aurora
      You can also contact me through email:
      You can also contact him on any sickness in this he all have the herbal cure to it
      . HPV

  2. Wow, I think this is a really interesting article. I was shocked to learn about these long term effects of the HSV virus. After learning about Alzherimer's it is amazing to think that an antiviral treatment, if further research supports this data, could inhibit a major cause of this disease!
    Although after thinking more about this treatment, I do not think that this method would be effective at reversing damage already done by Alzheimmer's disease.

  3. I never knew what neurotropic or neuroinvasive viruses were "hiding" from the immune system so thank you for placing that information in there when you discussed how they function. This is just a very interesting, yet scary, article because of the fact that such a high percentage of people have HSV, whether it is active or not, and makes me wonder if this makes a difference as well.

  4. Thanks for sharing this article it was really interesting. I never really thought about the possibility thought about genetic predisposition having a direct effect on viral migration/progression? It will be interesting to see what genes they might link to this event and what possible treatments may arise to discourage it from happening.

  5. What can i say about him i am very grateful to see i am finally cured from this HSV2, it have been going to about 1 year and 6 month when i have this sickness i have try different means to get my self cure but
    nothing work out, i can stand and say today with the help of herbal medicine and Dr. vicent there is cure to HSV 2 i ask him how all this work so he explain to me very well that the
    herbal need to be taking twice a day morning and evening, there is going to be soap for bathing too, and the amount it cost, so i was so very happy to hear such i quickly email the doctor for the herbal in 4
    days time i have the herbal medicine in my country USA and the doctor write along with the instruction how to applied the medicine i am very happy , you can just email my doctor now for the herbal medicine
    through his email:

    whats app number of the doctor +2348129050649

    And he also have cure to the following sickness


    And if you which to talk to me and get more information about cure
    through this

  6. What can i say about him i am very grateful to see i am finally cured from this HSV2, it have been going to about 1 year and 6 month when i have this sickness i have try different means to get my self cure but
    nothing work out, i can stand and say today with the help of herbal medicine and Dr. vicent there is cure to HSV 2 i ask him how all this work so he explain to me very well that the
    herbal need to be taking twice a day morning and evening, there is going to be soap for bathing too, and the amount it cost, so i was so very happy to hear such i quickly email the doctor for the herbal in 4
    days time i have the herbal medicine in my country USA and the doctor write along with the instruction how to applied the medicine i am very happy , you can just email my doctor now for the herbal medicine
    through his email:

    whats app number of the doctor +2348129050649

    And he also have cure to the following sickness


    And if you which to talk to me and get more information about cure
    through this

  7. When my herpes started interfering with my daily life. And my lips always bother me every damn day. I remember going to the hospital when I was around 25 years old cuz my whole lips were burning like hell. And a nurse came to the waiting lobby and said sorry there are no doctors here. So I had to go back home. My lips were burning like hell and I felt so uncomfortable that night so I turned to the internet where I found (multivitamin herbal cure cape town) . I am 40 years old.This virus has been totally eliminated with their herbal system , My lips were messed up. They are okay when I apply chapstick, but if I don’t apply chapstick they will get tight and dry and ashy and the skin will get burnt and hard. And they always feel tingly. The burning sensation stopped after that day I started their herbal cure.  I don’t want to walk around with glossy lips. I’m a man. I don’t know what would have heal me from this virus if not for the product. I took a comprehensive STD blood test last week again and everything came out negative.,contact > www . multivitamincare .org today Call Us (or SMS): +1 (956) 758-7882 they have the right treatment to STD.
